
Disney+'s K-Drama "Moving": Character Storylines and the Most Heartfelt Life and Emotional Themes


Disney+'s Korean drama "Moving" has become one of the most anticipated sci-fi masterpieces of 2023. With a star-studded cast that includes Ryu Seung-ryong, Han Hyo-joo, Zo In-sung, Tae-Hyun Cha, Kim Seong-gyoon, and more, this 20-episode series intricately portrays each character's "superpower" and their poignant pasts. While many expected "Moving" to be all about realism and action, it's the characters' growth and emotions that truly shine at the heart of this work.

disney韓劇《moving 異能》柳承龍、韓孝周、趙寅成和各角色故事線,都是最溫暖的人生與情感課題

Lee Mi-hyeon (played by Han Hyo-joo) possesses extraordinary sensory abilities. After becoming a single mother, she's forced to be strong and brave to protect her son. Her partner, Kim Doo-shik (played by Zo In-sung), may have a rebellious nature but is inherently kind, and he has passed on a rare gift of flight to his son, which comes with its own set of challenges. Their son, Kim Bong-seok (played by Lee Jeong-ha), has the unique ability to float in the air, a talent he tries to hide to avoid drawing attention. His life changes when he meets a new transfer student at his school, Jang Hee-soo (played by Go Yoon-Jung), who, along with her father Jang Joo-won (played by Ryu Seung-ryong), has the powerful ability of rapid self-healing.

As mysterious murders plague the vicinity of their school, these hidden individuals with extraordinary abilities decide to step forward to protect their loved ones from the impending danger.

This article explores five emotional themes presented by "Moving," touching upon the strength of parents protecting their children, life choices that break the mold, the world's marginalization of superpowered individuals, selfless love and friendship, and the concept of "inexpensive" humanism.

#1 Lee Mi-hyeon: "Don't be afraid; Mom will never let go of the rope."

disney韓劇《moving 異能》柳承龍、韓孝周、趙寅成和各角色故事線,都是最溫暖的人生與情感課題

Han Hyo-joo's portrayal of Lee Mi-hyeon, with her extraordinary five senses and impressive combat skills, captivates us. The story in "Moving" starts years later with her unusual daily life alongside her son. Lee Mi-hyeon, who has become a single mother for reasons that become clear as the story unfolds. Mi-hyeon is aware of the dangers she and her son face in their retired life. She's determined to keep her son's flying ability a secret and goes to great lengths every day to ensure his safety, even binding him to her back when they go out. She also trains her son to "float" and designs various contraptions to prevent him from getting hurt or floating away. Their ceiling is filled with baby play mats.

Day after day, they lead an isolated life, and it's evident that she's unwilling to let go, even though her son is growing up. The meat shop owner, in a heartwarming moment, consoles her and says, "You've been busy taking care of your child, but have you looked in the mirror lately? It's not just the child who's tired; you're tired too. It's best for both of you to keep a little distance. Ultimately, it's just because you don't want to, and how could anyone fault you for that?"

This straightforward conversation touches our hearts. Which mother doesn't understand this feeling? It's just that, compared to her determination to protect her son and ensure his safety throughout his life, her hardship and misunderstandings seem insignificant.

disney韓劇《moving 異能》柳承龍、韓孝周、趙寅成和各角色故事線,都是最溫暖的人生與情感課題

"Moving" lets us see a series of "retired" intelligence agents who have softened due to their families. They know their duty as superpowered individuals, but they prefer to believe in fate and human goodness.

In addition to Lee Mi-hyeon and Jang Joo-won, Jeon Gye-do (played by Tae-Hyun Cha), due to his father's deliberate estrangement, grew up safely. His father, at the last moment before his assassination, only wished to burn his only cherished photo with his son to prevent the killer from discovering it. The hair salon owner with the ability to see through things seems to be more prepared. After her assassination, her adopted children, who appear well-trained, engage in a conversation with the killer. They reveal that the salon owner's biological daughter passed away from illness, and this revelation prompts a close-up shot of a girl's profile.

#2 Kim Bong-seok: "You're not strange; you're just a bit different."

We understand the struggles of every parent in "Moving." They want to let their children lead normal lives, but they fear that the "different" ability inherited by their offspring can be a double-edged sword. Through Kim Bong-seok, we see a young man who has grown up in a repressive environment. He is caring, obedient, and kind, but the confusion of adolescence leads him to rebel against his mother for the first time. His mother's fear that his "uniqueness" will be judged or exploited by the world clashes with Bong-seok's belief that his innate powers are meant to protect his loved ones.

Reflecting on Kim Bong-seok's childhood, we learn that when he was just learning to walk, he once saw his mother smile, and he got so excited that he floated into the air. It turns out that his flying ability is uncontrollable when his emotions run high. Bong-seok confesses, "Since that incident, my mom hasn't smiled at me." Did you shed a tear at this moment in "Moving"? What triggered his emotional outburst was his remorse for not protecting Hee-soo when she was falsely accused, blaming his mother for tying him to that heavy sandbag. He exclaims, "You used to tell me 'don't' all the time when I was a kid, 'don't run, don't fly.' Why shouldn't I fly? I can fly faster, become stronger, and protect you and all the people I care about!"

disney韓劇《moving 異能》柳承龍、韓孝周、趙寅成和各角色故事線,都是最溫暖的人生與情感課題

His mother's only response to Bong-seok's plea, "Mom, I'm tired," is to pick him up. He was still a toddler. In his senior year, however, he fails to understand his mother's decision to live a hidden life. He can't fathom her determination, even after she broke her bones to protect a spy in a "massacre." Hee-soo says, "I hate orange because it's somewhere between two colors, not this one, not that one." Bong-seok replies, "But it can be both." This is a lifelong struggle for children with extraordinary abilities, but fortunately, Hee-soo is Bong-seok's redemption. Hee-soo offers Bong-seok understanding and companionship, telling him, "You're not strange; you're just a bit different." This straightforward affirmation allows Bong-seok and his mother to feel warmth for the first time.

Bong-seok's optimism and innocence make Hee-soo, who is used to being alone, more tender. It also prompts her to recall the car accident that killed her mother. The mother discovers that her daughter inherited her husband's self-healing ability and survived the accident, and smiles in content at her life’s end. It is a parent’s simple and heartfelt wish for their child to be safe, and if the child's "difference" can keep them safe in this world, it is good enough.

#3 Jang Hee-soo: "Violence is the most foolish and simplest method."

disney韓劇《moving 異能》柳承龍、韓孝周、趙寅成和各角色故事線,都是最溫暖的人生與情感課題

Go Yoon-Jung, in her role as "Jang Hee-soo," a girl who inherited her father's healing ability, portrays a character with wounds that quickly mend. Her monstrous superpower guards her, but it also entangles her in a school bullying incident. "Everyone knows, so why do they turn a blind eye?" This is Hee-soo's question when she witnesses a female classmate being bullied. She convinces herself daily that she'll endure high school for just one more year, but she is defeated by her overwhelming sense of justice. Hee-soo is beaten by 17 school bullies and has her throat slashed with a utility knife, spraying blood everywhere. She gets up from the mud again and again, taking away the bullies' weapons, and subjecting them to the same pain time and again.

Heartlessly, she is expelled from school because she has no visible wounds. Her father, fearing a criminal record for Hee-soo, exhausts his savings compensating the bullies. She feels guilty, but her father encourages her to be herself: "Your superpower is inherited from me, and your inability to tolerate injustice comes from your mother." Like Bong-seok's mother, Hee-soo's father tries to help her explore the world as a "different" individual and understand that with great power comes great responsibility.

Yet, Hee-soo once told Lee Kang-hoon (played by Kim Do-Hoon), "Violence is the most foolish and simplest method." Fortunately, the girl she saved also transferred to her school. With the encouragement and support of Hee-soo and Bong-seok, she decides to break free from her constraints and strives to get into a physical education college. We look forward to the stories of these three high school students with superpowers and how they will face different destinies and emotions in the future.

#4 Kim Doo-shik: "I hope one day you can see, flying on snowy days."

Zo In-sung plays Kim Doo-shik, who is Lee Mi-hyeon's husband and Kim Bong-seok's father. He is one of the most powerful agents in the National Intelligence Service. Doo-shik's initial meeting with Lee Mi-hyeon is part of a conspiracy by the Deputy Chief of the National Intelligence Service to make them fall in love, thereby giving Kim Doo-shik a reason to return to the agency after each mission. They become each other's hostages.

In the chaotic era of inter-Korean conflict, their "in-house romance" is a colorful delight. They pretend she has no chance to buy coffee and borrow money from him, even though neither of them likes coffee. They pretend that she can't carry a heavy file, but it's just an excuse to walk alongside him in the corridor. Their first kiss sends her flying into the air, much like their son. For their first date, he takes her to a place that serves enormous pork cutlets, a meal she continues to serve at her restaurant after he's gone.

But when Doo-shik gives up escaping and chooses to return to her side, his reason is simply, "I felt I was going to die." He wants to see her before it's too late and has no regrets. Zo In-sung, the actor, shared that he intentionally changed the line "I love you" to this dialogue. It is a more heartfelt expression that fits Kim Doo-shik's confession. "Every joke he played on me was sincere. No, that was all his love," Lee Mi-hyeon finally understands his feelings.

Kim Doo-shik says, "I used to be meticulous, cold, and taciturn." Lee Mi-hyeon asks, "So what are you now?" He answers, "You're in front of me." Their love is rooted in their emotional connection; they are both humanitarians who are not ruthless or cold-blooded, traits the National Intelligence Service disapproves of. In a "massacre," Lee Mi-hyeon disobeys orders to save a spy, and Doo-shik, tasked with collecting the bodies, tolerates her defiance. Their understanding of each other's values makes them willing to be each other's support.

disney韓劇《moving 異能》柳承龍、韓孝周、趙寅成和各角色故事線,都是最溫暖的人生與情感課題

You'll notice that the most appealing qualities of each character in "Moving" is their ability to empathize. Besides Kim Doo-shik's family of humanitarians, this quality is present in his partner Jang Joo-won, and his daughter, Hee-soo.

#5 Jang Joo-won: "I still can't find the way; I came to find you."

disney韓劇《moving 異能》柳承龍、韓孝周、趙寅成和各角色故事線,都是最溫暖的人生與情感課題

Ryu Seung-ryong portrays Hee-soo's father, Jang Joo-won, a thug from Guryongpo who has been used by a mob boss due to his incredible healing ability. After establishing a new territory for the mob, he's discarded ruthlessly. During his time on the run, he meets Hee-soo's mother, a beautiful "late-night café lady" named Hwang Ji-hee. He calls her four times to have a chat and finally gets to meet her.

"Wuxia novels are incomplete without love stories. Good people win and spend the rest of their lives with their loved ones." After several nights and a daring rescue from some small-time thugs, she's won over by this romantic, streetwise Guryongpo Oppa. In her eyes, he's not a monster but a superhero, much like the Hulk, who has saved her. He says, "I still can't find the way; I came to find you," delivering a direct and heartfelt confession. She once asked him, "Why don't you ask me questions like, 'How did you end up working in this job?'" He responded, "You must have your reasons."

Jang Joo-won's past makes us realize the complex psychology of fear and jealousy toward superpowered individuals in this world. They are marginalized before the National Intelligence Service sees an opportunity to recruit them. Yet, superpowers are like atomic bombs, rare resources sought after by every nation. When used at the wrong moment, their great power can bring catastrophic disasters to humanity.

The main characters in "Moving" struggle between loyalty and justice, humanity and order with no easy answers. However, we can anticipate the characters played by Ryu Seung-ryong, Han Hyo-joo, Zo In-sung, Tae-Hyun Cha, Kim Seong-gyoon, and their children sparking a revolution of humanitarianism and romanticism in the future. They don't aim to change the world but to live with a clear conscience and protect their loved ones.

disney韓劇《moving 異能》柳承龍、韓孝周、趙寅成和各角色故事線,都是最溫暖的人生與情感課題

As we navigate the realms of emotion and reason, morality and self-interest, we shape our values. Disney+'s Korean drama "Moving" explores the essence of "humanity" through different character backgrounds, reminding us that the core of humanity is empathy—the ability to reserve the softest place in our hearts for those who truly care for us and use the hardest part to protect the precious warmth of the world.

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